Monday, September 19, 2011

memories... wild flowers

Summer flowers bring such beauty to our yards and I love to see what people can grow especially in our corner of the world. Our growing season is short and unpredictable. So it takes effort to produce anything.

But there is something so very special about those splashes of beauty that grow in the ditches, in the coulees, in unexpected places, something that we cannot really replicate in our yards. These are the simple yet intricate wild flowers of Alberta.

We found this sample at Tolman Bridge along the Red Deer river east of Trochu.


  1. Your blog and photography are lovely. I'm now following you and look forward to future posts :D

    Regards, Mari
    Join my blog for Photography Tips.

  2. Lovely pictures! Lovely new blog!

  3. They are truly beautiful. Wild flowers make my heart sing too.
